Bliv en del af Kundeservice

Som ansat i Kundeservice bliver du bindeleddet mellem kunden og Mediq: Stemmen i telefonen, som skaber tryghed. Du sikrer, at alle vores kunder får den hjælp, de har brug for - lige fra hospitaler og lægepraksis over institutioner til den enkelte patient. Du ser muligheder og finder løsninger.

About Customer Service

How you will provide high-quality patient experiences

You are the vital connection between the customer and Mediq. The voice on the other end of the phone. Giving reassurance through our online channels. Providing clear, calm help and advice. No stress, no hassle. You ensure all our customers get the assistance they need, from institutions to patients. Solving issues, seizing opportunities, escalating problems. It's all in your hands.

Direkte kundekontakt

Arbejd med menneske

Gode muligheder for udvikling

Your future colleagues would love to tell you more!


Read the stories of your future colleagues
below. They will give you a peek inside
Mediq and perhaps help you start your
journey within Mediq!



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