Bliv en del af Salg

Du er en kompetent fagperson, som brænder for at gøre livet lettere for patienterne. Du underviser og rådgiver fagpersonale i brugen af medicinsk udstyr mv. Mediqs kunder har tillid til din ekspertise. Dit område er salg af produkter og service til enten hospitaler, lægepraksis eller institutioner.

About Commercial

How you will positively impact people's lives

You build trust and connections with people who impact the quality of patients' lives. You work to discover the best possible solutions between products and services. You look for innovative services and original ways to sell. You connect with people and understand deal making. You recognise and develop new opportunities and make them a success.



Direkte indflydelse på vores succes

Udvikling af Mediqs services

Stor variation i arbejdet

Your future colleagues would love to tell you more!


Read the stories of your future colleagues
below. They will give you a peek inside
Mediq and perhaps help you start your
journey within Mediq!



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