Bliv en del af Teknisk Service

Du installerer, vedligeholder, reparerer og rådgiver. Din tekniske indsigt og erfaring har stor indfyldelse på flowet i dine kollegers hverdag og gør en afgørende forskel for Mediq og vores kunder.

About Digital & Innovation

How you will help focus on what's most important

You understand that healthcare and technology go hand in hand. You ensure that patients and professionals have the tools required to sustain and improve health. You install, maintain, repair and advise. Your technical knowledge and skills servicing medical devices have a profound impact on patients, and can be the difference between self management and dependence.

Konstant udvikling på området

Sundhedspersonale- og patientkontak

Et inspirerende arbejdsmiljø

Your future colleagues would love to tell you more!


Read the stories of your future colleagues
below. They will give you a peek inside
Mediq and perhaps help you start your
journey within Mediq!



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